Scholarship type
Number of scholarships to award
Scholarship coverage
- tuition fee reduction
The Friedrich Schiller University Jena annually awards scholarships, so called Landesgraduiertenstipendien, funded by the State of Thuringia.
Applicable programmes
The funding period of these scholarships is three years, you can apply for an extension for one year. Further extensions are possible for child care, care for close relatives, in case of chronic diseases and disability. As of 2020, the scholarship is 1,400 EUR per month and (if applicable) extra payments for child care.
- The Landesgraduiertenstipendien are announced once a year in summer. The scholarship is paid from the beginning of the following year. The number of scholarships granted varies from year to year - in recent years, it was about 10 -12 each year. From 2019 on, less scholarships may be given due to the extension of the funding period and the increase of the scholarship money.
- Applications for the scholarships are open during the third quarter of a year. Earliest start of funding is 1 January of the following year.
Scholarship requirements
Study experience required
Application deadline
Applications are submitted online. Application deadline is 28 September. Please add these documents to your online application (upload as pdf at the application website):
CV (with photo).
Exposé of your PhD project, containing the aims, their derivation and reasons, current research, methods, the schedule of your project and relevant literature (5-10 pages without the bibliography), Arial 11pt, line pitch 1.5.
Scan of your university degree (with transcripts).