Choose Practically-Oriented Bachelor's Degrees in Finland

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Would you like to get a higher education degree and graduate with proper work experience? Are you interested in studying in an international and innovative environment with good study facilities and support services? Are you already familiar with the various opportunities offered by the Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)? Read along to learn more about our English-taught Bachelor’s degree programmes!

View Bachelor's degrees in Finland

Universities of Applied Sciences train future professionals

Finnish Higher Education is formed by two sectors: Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences. Universities of Applied Sciences train highly valued professionals for the needs of the future working life. Students gain a higher education degree while becoming experts within their own fields.

The studies are implemented in close cooperation with working life in the form of practical training and projects. While traditional universities emphasise theory, the UASs’ strength is in applied research and practical development of working life by implementing the latest knowledge and innovations into practice.

Studies are practically-oriented

Studies at the Universities of Applied Sciences are practically-oriented and give the students an excellent combination of hands-on skills along with a strong theoretical knowledge base. Accordingly, the learning methods in UASs are in line with the principle of "learning by doing".

Instead of just following lectures, students do a lot of small group work and are engaged in different kinds of projects. Co-operation with the world of work is an important element in the UAS education and practical training is a compulsory part of the studies.

Studies in English in several fields of study

Universities of Applied Sciences are multidisciplinary higher education institutions with various fields of study. Degrees awarded by Finnish UASs are in line with the European Qualifications Framework, the Bachelor’s degrees corresponding to the level 6 on the EQF.

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The 17 Universities of Applied Sciences that are part of the Finnish Network for International Programmes (FINNIPS) offer over 40 Bachelor’s degree programmes conducted fully in English. These degree programmes represent eight different fields of study:

  • Business and Administration
  • Culture
  • Health Care and Social Services
  • Natural Resources
  • Seafaring
  • Sports
  • Technology
  • Tourism and Catering

See the full list of the FINNIPS network’s Universities of Applied Sciences and their English-taught Bachelor’s degree programmes at

Excellent facilities and support services

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The study environments in Finnish UASs are innovative and make use of the latest technology. They have flexible learning spaces and top-quality laboratories. Many UASs also offer special learning labs and generators for creating business ideas and learning about entrepreneurship in practice.

In addition to studies in Finland, students are also encouraged to take part in exchange programmes. Finnish UASs have extensive international partnership networks which enable the students to study or to do an internship abroad.

Universities of applied sciences have special orientation programmes for international students. International and student services, as well as well-established tutoring systems, ensure that all the students get not only academic guidance and counselling with their studies but also practical help with getting adjusted to the new living and studying environment. Furthermore, the UASs and student unions organize tutoring as well as numerous social, cultural and sports activities.

Tuition fees and scholarships

There are no tuition fees for students from EU/EEA in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. The tuition fees for students coming from outside the EU/EEA will come into effect as of 2017. The level of fees and scholarships differ from institution to institution and should be always checked from the university’s own website. Information about the tuition fees and scholarships can also be gained from the Study in Finland website.

Apply to Finnish UAS online on 10-25 January 2017

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Students will be selected to the degree programmes through the Finnish national joint application system. The application period for 2017 will take place between 10 and 25 January 2017. More information on applying is available at the Studyinfo portal maintained by the Finnish National Board of Education.

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