Scholarship type
Number of scholarships to award
Scholarship coverage
- tuition fee reduction
For more than seven decades, SWE has given women engineers a unique place and voice within the engineering industry. Their organization is centered around a passion for our members’ success and continues to evolve with the challenges and opportunities reflected in today’s exciting engineering and technology specialties.
Ada was born in Sydney, Ohio and attended secondary schools there. She received her Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Ohio State University in 1950. Following graduation, she joined Bailey Meter Co as a project engineer. In 1955, she joined Bechtel as a power control systems engineer. In 1969, she received a Master’s in Business Administration from Golden Gate University in California. She became a registered Professional Engineer (PE).
SWE Ada joined SWE in 1954 as a charter member of the Cleveland Section and became a Senior Member in 1961. Ada had an active SWE “career” with the distinction of being a “three pin” president of SWE –the Past Presidents pin, a SWE Fellow pin and the SWE Achievement Award pin (1976). She was SWE President 1979-80, a tumultuous period as the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was being fiercely debated. Ada also received the Distinguished Service Award. Ada was elected to the SWE Board of Trustees in 1983. As Treasurer she led the Board from handwritten ledgers into the computer age.
Ada left a very large bequest for the scholarship endowment and the BOT was able to create six renewable scholarships from her gift.
The scholarship is worth $6,000.