Scholarship type
Number of scholarships to award
Scholarship coverage
- tuition fee reduction
Throughout her long career at the University of Massachusetts, Dr. Marcellette G. Williams believed deeply that a crucial objective of the university was to inspire students to be global citizens by exposing them to new cultures, building connections across borders, challenging perspectives, and enabling the development of a rich understanding of the world. In the spirit of her commitment to this perspective, as Dr. Williams was stepping down from her role as senior vice president, her team in Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and International Relations (AASAIR) at the President’s Office surprised Dr. Williams by starting an endowed scholarship fund in her honor.
Applicable programmes
The Dr. Marcellette G. Williams Scholarship is to be used to provide opportunities for students to experience and consider global strategies in the ever-changing world. One scholarship a year will be awarded to a student in support of a global learning experience.
To be eligible for the Dr. Marcellette G. Williams Scholarship, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be currently enrolled at one of the following UMass campuses—Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth, Lowell, or the Medical School
- Must have at least sophomore level standing
Scholarship requirements
Study experience required
Application deadline
The scholarship can support a formal academic experience, an internship, or other engagement/immersion activity but must follow the policies and practices of the campus financial aid office. The scholarship is not limited to international activities. Students undertaking experiences within the United States are eligible as long as it fulfills the requirements of exposure to new cultures, building connections, challenging perspectives, and developing richer understanding of the world. Upon completion of their experience, awardees must provide a description of their experience and its impact on their understanding of the world, which will be shared with Dr. Williams. In order to be considered for this scholarship, please complete the General Application using the link. This is not an application specific to this scholarship.