Best Universities from 10 European Countries Where You Can Study a Bachelor's in 2023 -

Best Universities from 10 European Countries Where You Can Study a Bachelor's in 2023

Whether you've randomly put a finger on the map or you've done some deep thinking, if you chose to do your international Bachelor’s degree in Europe, you’re in for an electrifying experience.

Most European universities have great academic reputations and offer excellent education and on-campus experiences to students like you. But which are the countries with the most top-ranked academic institutions?

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1. Ranked universities in the United Kingdom

The leader of academic rankings in Europe is the United Kingdom, which has 105 top-ranked universities. With such a wide academic offer, the UK definitely has something for everyone. It’s like going to a candy shop during winter holidays. Here are some of the best academic institutions in Great Britain:

Each country has its own brand disciplines when it comes to higher education. In the UK, the subject areas that are most popular among international students are:

2. Ranked universities in Sweden

Sweden has 16 ranked universities, which is no small thing for a country of only 10 million people. Swedish higher education is all about helping Bachelor’s students develop their own voice so that they can become creative innovators. Some of Sweden’s best universities are:

If studying in Sweden appeals to you, you should know the most sought-after study options in Sweden are:

3. Ranked universities in the Netherlands

The 13 top-ranked universities in the Netherlands and the internationalised society place this country at the top of the lists students make when choosing their undergraduate study programmes. So, don’t forget to take a look at some of the top Dutch universities:

Studying in the Netherlands is especially fit for you if you are into subject areas like:

4. Ranked universities in Italy

The 53 top-ranked universities in Italy are no surprise in the country of the Renaissance. Italian universities make you feel welcome right way, with their lively student communities. Some top universities in Italy are:

Popular go-to disciplines for Bachelor’s studies in Italy are:

5. Ranked universities in Germany

The 66 ranked universities in Germany, the student-friendly environment and affordable costs make Germany buzz with international students. If you want to be one of them, you can check out top-ranked universities like:

From the well-seasoned study options available in Germany you should try tasting:


6. Ranked universities in France

The 60 ranked universities in France stand out through their passion for combining tradition with new trends in education. In this country, international Bachelor’s students are fascinated by French art, music, and the easily-recognisable sweet French language. These are some of the best academic institutions in the Hexagon:

  • PSL Research University
  • Sorbonne University
  • École Polytechnique
  • Telecom ParisTech
  • École Normale Supérieure de Lyon

These are some of the favourite disciplines of students in France: 

7. Ranked universities in Finland

Finland has 9 top-ranked universities and prides itself with being a global standard of education. Here are some of the best Finnish higher education institutions:

You also need to know about the most popular undergraduate study options in Finland such as:

8. Ranked universities in Denmark

Denmark has 7 top-ranked universities according to international listings and is a great place to study because it offers a friendly academic and social environment. Check out these excellent Danish universities:

Want to get ‘injected’ with Danish happiness? Try out this popular Bachelor’s programmes:

9. Ranked universities in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has 11 ranked universities worldwide and affordable education and living costs, making it an ideal central-European country to study in. Some of the most prestigious universities in the Czech Republic are:

If you’re planning to do your undergraduate studies in Czech Republic, you should head towards programmes like:

10. Ranked universities in Belgium

The heart of the EU, Belgium has 9 top-ranked universities and is a multicultural mosaic of students and people. Some of the best Belgian universities are:

  • KU Leuven
  • Ghent University
  • Université Catholique de Louvain
  • University of Antwerp
  • Institute for European Studies - Universite Libre de Bruxelles

A growingly popular Bachelor’s study discipline in Belgium is:

Now that you are equipped with a great list of European countries and universities where you can study a Bachelor’s degree, you only need to decide which one matches your goals and ambitions. This is not easy, but the key to the right choice is picking a programme that matches your interests and skills, in a country that you will enjoy living in.

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